Subject: YOUR DIGITAL CHRISTMAS CARD Author: Bottomline Group Uploaded By: BtmLineGrp Date: 11/4/1995 File: JOY95DLD.EXE (590406 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 3 minutes Download Count: 107 Equipment: PC w/DOS 3.x or Win 3.x Needs: NOSOUND CARD REQUIRED FIRST DIGITAL CHRISTMAS CARD Someday there will be digital fruitcakes. But now, here is the first digital Christmas Card. Please enjoy 7 Christmas Carols in this file and some additional seasonal amusements for your PC. This card is available for your customization, and includes your personal print-out/fax-back RSVP function and a puzzle that's tougher than it looks. Music plays in DOS or Windows without any SoundCard required! No tricky install...the instructions follow along with all the basic information you might need to post or distribute. EASY/INEXPENSIVE TO SEND BY E-MAIL OR DISK TO CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS (UNDER 600K) INSTRUCTIONS: (download includes this info) Copy or Move this JOY95DLD.EXE file to a new or empty directory. *** DOS: change to that directory, type joy95dld and hit ENTER to unarchive files...then type joy95 and hit ENTER...follow on-screen instructions...use Cursor Keys if no Mouse is installed. *** WINDOWS: under FILE, RUN the joy95dld.exe file to unarchive files...then RUN to start the program. Follow on-screen instructions...use Cursor Keys if your Windows Mouse is NOT operable. NO SOUND CARD REQUIRED...PLAYS THRU SYSTEM SPEAKER EVEN ON LAPTOPS! IN DOS OR WINDOWS, TEST THE RSVP's PRINT-OUT PRICES START AT $750 FOR YOUR CUSTOMIZED MASTER-DISK AND UNLIMITED NOT-FOR-RESALE DUPLICATION LICENSE Mail it out on a floppy disk or E-mail to your friends & customers. Your customized RSVP Fax-Back print-out encourages your customers to respond. Costs about the same as paper cards! CONTACT: Jim Richman / Principal BOTTOMLINE GROUP, INC. 233 E 69th Street, N Y, NY 10021 PHONE: 212.988.3873 E-MAIL: / ENJOY: SOFTWARE IS VIRUS-SCREENED...FA LA LA LA LA!